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Apartheid Museum-apartheid

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简介曼德拉励志英文演讲稿:I Am Prepared to Die for an Ideal  以下这篇英文演讲稿是南非前总统曼德拉1990年2月11日所作的一篇英文演讲I Am Prepared to Die for an Ideal,由应届毕业生演讲稿网站整理提供,供大家学习。 I Am Prepared to Die for an Ideal

Apartheid Museum-apartheid

曼德拉励志英文演讲稿:I Am Prepared to Die for an Ideal

 以下这篇英文演讲稿是南非前总统曼德拉1990年2月11日所作的一篇英文演讲I Am Prepared to Die for an Ideal,由应届毕业生演讲稿网站整理提供,供大家学习。

I Am Prepared to Die for an Ideal


 February 11,1990


 I have fought against white domination, and I have fought against black domination. I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony with equal opportunities. It is an ideal which I hope to live for and to see realized. But if needs be, it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die.


 My friends, comrades, and fellow South Africans: I greet you all in the name of peace, democracy, and freedom for all. I stand here before you not as a prophet but as a humble servant of you, the people. Your tireless and heroic sacrifices have made it possible for me to be here today. I therefore have placed the remaining years of my life in your , I extend my sincere and warmest gratitude to the millions of my compatriots and those in every corner of the globe who have campaigned tirelessly for my release. I extend special greetings to the people of Cape Town, the city through which — which has been my home for three decades. Your mass marches and other forms of struggle have served as a constant source of strength to all political . It has fulfilled our every expectation in its role as leader of the great march to , Comrade Oliver Tambo, for leading the ANC even under the most difficult circumstances.

 我的朋友们、同志们和南非同胞们: 我以和平、民主和全人类自由的名义,向你们大家致意。今天我站在你们面前,不是作为一名预言家,而是作为人民的谦卑公仆。你们不懈的奋斗和英勇的牺牲才使我今天有可能站在这里,因此,我要把余生献给你们。在我获释的今天,我要向千百万同胞,向世界各地为我的获释作出过不懈努力的人们,致以真诚的、最热烈的感谢。 我要特别感谢开普敦的人民,我以开普敦为家住了30年。你们大规模的游行请愿和其他形式的斗争一直是所有们的力量源泉。我向非国大会议致敬。作为一个领导我们奔向自由的政党,它实现了我们对它的所有期望。我向我们的主席——奥利弗·坦博同志致敬,他在最艰难的环境下领导着非国大。

 I salute the rank?and?file members of the ANC: You have sacrificed life and limb in the pursuit of the noble cause of our , like Solomon Mahlangu and Ashley Kriel, who have paid the ultimate price for the freedom of all South Africans. I salute the South African Communist Party for its sterling contribution to the struggle for democracy. You have survived 40 years of unrelenting persecution. The memory of great communists like Moses Kotane, Yusuf Dadoo, Bram Fischer, and Moses Mabhida will be cherished for generations to come. I salute General Secretary Joe Slovo, one of our finest patriots. We are heartened by the fact that the alliance between ourselves and the Party remains as strong as it — it always , the National Education Crisis Committee, the South African Youth Congress, the Transvaal and Natal Indian Congresses, and COSATU, and the many other formations of the Mass Democratic Movement. I also salute the Black Sash and the National Union of South African Students. We note with pride that you have looked — that you have acted as the conscience of white South Africa. Even during the darkest days in the history of our struggle you held the flag of liberty high. The large?scale mass mobilization of the past few years is one of the key factors which led to the opening of the final chapter of our — Your organized strength is the pride of our movement. You remain the most dependable force in the struggle to end exploitation and oppression.


 I pay tribute — I pay tribute to the many religious communities who carried the campaign for justice forward when the organizations of our people were silenced. I greet the traditional leaders of our country — many among you continue to walk in the footsteps of great heroes like Hintsa and , you, the young lions. You, the young lions, have energized our entire struggle. I pay tribute to the mothers and wives and sisters of our nation. You are the rock?hard foundation of our struggle. Apartheid has inflicted more pain on you than on anyone , we thank the world — we thank the world community for their great contribution to the anti?apartheid struggle. Without your support our struggle would not have reached this advanced stage. The sacrifice of the frontline states will be remembered by South Africans , black and white, recognize that apartheid has no future. It has to be ended by our own decisive mass action in order to build peace and security.


1. 认识这个词(基础篇)


英英释义:to cause great damage to something

例句:The war has?crippled?the economy.

2. 体会这个词 (进阶篇)


当我们想表示“破坏”时,除了用 damage…badly,我们可以直接用更简洁、形象的 cripple。比如:

The war has crippled the economy.



Not long ago floods crippled millions of households in Shouguang, Shandong Province.

“cripple” 的“严重破坏”还可以是心理上的。比如在《中国合伙人》中,邓超饰演的孟晓俊从美国回来给学生们做演讲,不过他上台后,因为怯场在演讲台上一句话也说不出来。这时我们就可以说:

Stage fright crippled him.

美国脱口秀主持人 Trevor Noah 在它的回忆录 Born a Crime 中也用到了这个词。想要实现种族隔离(apartheid),政府需要先让黑人群体接受次等的教育,让他们变得愚蠢,作者就写到:

The only way to make apartheid work is to cripple the black mind.

3. 从认识到会用(作业)


台风山竹(Typhoon Mangkhut)严重破坏了香港和广东地区的电力供应和通讯服务。

(参考翻译:Typhoon Mangkhut has crippled the electricity supply and communication services in Hong Kong and Guangdong. )



造句:A total cut-off of supplies would cripple the country's economy.

Junior Murvin的《Handcuff》 歌词

约翰内斯堡(Johanne *** urg),南非第一大城市,著名的“黄金之城”,是南非共和国经济、政治、文化、旅游中心,世界著名的国际大都市。





基本介绍 中文名称 :约翰内斯堡 外文名称 :Johanne *** urg 别名 :伊高比 行政区类别 :省会 所属地区 :南非共和国豪登省 *** 驻地 :约翰内斯堡 电话区号 :011(27) 地理位置 :南非东北部瓦尔河上游高地上 面积 :约269平方公里 人口 :约388.81万人 方言 :英语、南非荷兰语、祖鲁语 气候条件 :热带草原气候 著名景点 : 机场 :奥利弗·雷金纳德·坦博国际机场 货币: :兰特 建市时间: :1886年 城市信息,经济发展,教育信息,景点列表,城市交通,地理气候,实用信息,城市荣誉,相关新闻, 城市信息 约翰内斯市内与郊区有大型矿山机械、化学、纺织、电机、汽车装配、橡胶等工业。许多大公司和银行总部设立在此。东北24千米处的斯穆茨有国际航空站。 约翰内斯堡 在恩古尼语中,约翰内斯堡被称作“伊高比”,意思是“黄金”。它和豪登省(索托语中的“黄金之地”)的其他地区一起构成了南非经济活动的中心。 约翰内斯堡面积约269平方千米,是南非最大城市和经济中心,也是南部非洲第一大城市,更是世界上最大的产金中心。人口半数以上是黑人。 标准时区:+2 时区 UTC/GMT +2个小时 经纬度:纬度:南纬26°08’ 经度:东经27°54’ 电话区号:国家区号:+27(南非)地区区号:11 经济发展 约翰内斯堡矿物丰富,金、铂、锑、金刚石、石棉的产量和铀、锰、铬、萤石的储量均居世界前列,还有煤、铁、铜、铝、锌等。采矿业是国民收入的主要支柱。主要工业部门有食品、制革、纺织、机械制造、冶金等,贸易进出口货物主要靠埃航签署的北京泛源国际运输服务有限公司来承运。国航开通了到约翰内斯堡的直达航班(目前由国航开通的相关航线有:深圳宝安-约翰内斯堡)。 教育信息 位于本市的金山大学在2013QS世界大学最新排名301-400段居63位。 景点列表 金矿城、兰德精炼厂、克鲁格国家公园、东部郊区、内都市郊区。 南非最大城市,世界最大的产金中心约翰内斯堡(Johanne *** urg)素有“黄金之城”之称。位于东北部法尔河上游高地,海拔1754米。是德兰士瓦州黄金矿脉的中心。 1880年,这里只是一座以两条牛的价值换来的农场。 1886年,建有一探矿站,随着金矿的发现和开采发展为城市。 1928年,建为市。四周绵延240公里的地带内有几十个金矿。市区街道下有一英里多深的坑道。埃洛夫大街一带是闹市区,商店、银行和旅馆等集中于此。市政厅建于1915年。市内有博物馆和教堂等建筑。公园和草地占城市面积1/10左右。著名的朱伯特公园在城中心的高地上,内有美术馆。 此外,还有密尔勒公园、唐纳德·麦凯公园、埃利斯公园等,市东北郊有开普敦公园。动物园位于史末资大道。北郊有占地43英亩的植物园和占地26英亩的梅尔罗斯鸟类保护区。游客还可到市内的钻石加工厂去参观。城内种族隔离和种族歧视状况严重,城西南25千米的索韦托,是南非黑人最集中的隔离区。 1976年6月16日,南非政权在这里制造了骇人听闻的索韦托惨案,激起全世界人民的愤怒谴责。 曼德拉铜像 南非的约翰内斯堡是南非第一大城市,是一个由黄金开采而建立起来的大都市。 1886年的一天,一个名叫乔治·哈里白人在约翰内斯堡北面的一个农场散步,被一块露出地面森的的石头绊倒,这是一块金块。由此,引发了世界各地的淘金者来此淘金。随着淘金者越来越多,此地成为一个人口众多的聚居地。 当时的南非共和国 *** 派员到此地巡视,寻找一个地方建立一个市镇。当时被派执行此项任务的两个人,一个是荷兰移民,名叫Johann Rissik,另一个是叫Christiaan Johannes Joubert的布尔人。据说建立的城市就以他们的名字Johann和Johannes命名,加上表示“城市、镇”的后缀burg,于是就有了今天的Johanne *** urg。 发现金块的乔治·哈里森本人在狂喜之后按惯例赶到比勒陀利亚向官方管理部门报告这一发现,并取得了可以享受免税待遇的“金矿发现者所有权证书”。但哈里森本人根本没有开发金矿所需的资金,他最终以极低廉的价钱将所有权卖给他人。如今,他的雕像就耸立在约翰内斯堡国际机场到市中心的24号公路旁。 约翰内斯堡面积约269平方千米,人口63万,其中半数以上是黑人,属于豪登省(Gauteng)——南非面积最小经济最发达的一个省份,与南非首都比勒陀尼亚(Pretorla)及周围十数个卫星城由四通八达的高速公路连成一片。约城地处海拔约1800米的内陆高原,昼夜温差大,但气候温和。夏天平均气温在摄氏20℃,冬天则在摄氏11℃左右。 市区被铁路分为南北两部分:南为重工业区;北为市中心区,分布有主要商业区、白人居住区和高等学校。市中心巨厦林立, *** 机关、银行、车站、证券交易所等都是现代建筑。市区最吸引游客的是高达五十层的卡尔敦中心。此处是约城最高级的商业区,国际较大的黄金买卖就在此进行交易。金矿博物馆和黄金精练厂可供游人参观。 约翰内斯堡也是世界上犯罪率最高的恐怖之都。南非的失业率高达40%,失业大军中绝大部分是缺乏技能、教育程度低下的黑人。治安的恶化使得抢劫事件多发,让中上阶级或代表南非的大资本公司不得不往北边郊区迁移,都市机能不断向郊外移动。此外,惧怕风险的外国资本也跟着向外迁移,造成市区的餐厅、俱乐部、夜总会等相继关门。 城市交通 出租 可以请酒店服务台帮忙叫车。市内的计程车原则上不会在街上流动载客,但招手还是会停下来。一般约计程车要打电话到营业所,或请饭店柜台叫车。 公交 交通市区公车路线很完整,各主要的街道皆可通达。游客可到市政厅的公车售票处购买系统图。注意仅有双层公车分为第一层禁菸区,第二层吸菸区。 自驾 约翰内斯堡的交通规则中最基本的一条是靠左侧行驶,并且要避让从右方超车的车辆。通常在国家高速路、城市快速路和其它主要的公路上行驶时的速度要低于120千米/小时,在二类公路上低于100千米/小时,在城镇低于60千米/小时,有特殊标志的路段除外。在南非驾驶车辆的司机必须持有有效的国际驾驶执照,而且司机和乘客必须系好安全带。 法规:靠左行驶。严禁酒后驾车。注意交通限速标志。 安全:当地人交通安全意识很强。停车和离开时务必锁好车门,不要把任何包袋放在座椅上。 铁路 普通列车(Shosholoza Meyl Trains):与飞机相似,分为头等列车、商务列车和经济列车。 经济列车:车况较差,只有硬座,一般没有餐车。 商务列车:廉价、安全的长途客运列车,车上有餐厅,有洗漱热水。 头等列车:每周两次开行于约翰内斯堡和开普敦之间,包括车上餐饮。 航空 南非航空(SAA)及一些国内航空公司都有定期班机在约翰内斯堡、开普敦及德班的国际港口之间营运。约翰内斯堡与中国大城市均建立起经贸交流的纽带。中国作为南非最大的贸易伙伴国,2011年双边贸易总量同比增长77%。两国贸易还是以南非出口资源类产品,购买中国的制造产品。 国航有深圳与约翰内斯堡之间的直达航班,每周一、三、六从深圳起飞,每周二、四、日从约翰内斯堡起飞,次日抵达。这也是目前(截止到2019年3月底)国航唯一的通往非洲赤道以南部分的航班。 国泰航空有每天经香港中转约翰内斯堡的往来航班,在南非旅游旺季的11月至次年1月份,国泰航空还会开通从香港到开普敦的临时直达航班。 同时还可通过南非航空(经转香港)、阿联航空(经转杜拜)、卡特尔航空(经转多哈)、新加坡航空(经转新加坡)、埃塞航空(经转衣索比亚)等国际航司往来中国与南非。 地理气候 约翰内斯堡属全年温暖的亚热带气候,气候差异大,又极富变化。约翰尼斯堡的气温:夏季24.7℃左右,冬季18.0℃左右。 约翰内斯堡位于南半球的热带稀树草原气候,由赤道低气压带与低纬信风带交替控制,有明显的干季和湿季。 实用信息 时差 比北京晚六个小时 语言 英语(English)、南非荷兰语(Afrikaans)及其他11种法定语言。英语被广泛地使用。 汇率 南非币称为兰特(R)(Rand),1R=100¢(仙),纸币币值有10、20、50、100、200。硬币面值则有5、2、1、50¢、20¢、10¢、5¢、2¢和1¢。 银行营业时间 星期一到星期五9am-3.30pm;星期六8.30am-11.00am. 信用卡 Visa和Master是当地比较容易接受的信用卡种类。 税收 住宿旅馆若有加入Satour's评比系统的话,都会在房价上另外附加1.7R-5.7R的费用。一般消费的价格会另加上15%的附加税,旅客若消费250R以上可退税,出境时需到VAT柜台填妥格,并附上购买收据。收据必须是发票,上面写明店家名称、地址、VAT注册号码、TAX INVOICE字样,之后可直接在机场、港口、海关拿到退税(支票)。 电器 南非的电压是220伏特,插座是圆形的三孔插座。 电讯 南非国码:27;约翰尼斯堡区码:011。 邮局 约翰内斯堡有一间历史最悠久,也是最大的邮局,位在Market和Rissik转角。营业时间为星期一到星期五的8am-4.30pm,星期六8am-12:00。 卫生 南非医疗水平居世界前列,约翰内斯堡等主要城市的医疗条件和卫生环境优越。夏季在东北部林波波省等省份的野外环境如克鲁格国家公园要小心的传染病有血吸虫病(bilharzia)、疟疾(malaria)等。 特色活动 Arts Alive Festival 每年九月约翰内斯堡都会举办为期两个礼拜的艺术季,主要的表演场所为纽顿文化院(Newtown Cultural Precinct),但城市里许多餐厅、戏院也都会有其专属的表演活动,这个艺术季为约翰尼斯堡一年一度的表演艺术盛会。 Johanne *** urg Biennale 每年十月的美术展 FNB Vita Dance Umbrella 每年的二月和三月在Braamfontein的Wits Theatre会有芭蕾舞表演。 体育场 约翰内斯堡足球城体育场——非洲最大的足球场 足球城体育场又称FNB体育场(国家银行体育场),是2010年南非世界杯的主球场,它坐落在约翰内斯堡的西南部索韦托区,与南非足协以及国际足联世界杯组委会相邻。南非世界杯的揭幕战,决赛都将在这座非洲大陆最大的体育场内举行。除此外,这里还将承办其他四场小组赛、一场1/8决赛、以及一场1/4决赛。 城市荣誉 2018年11月,世界城市排名发布,约翰内斯堡进入世界一线城市行列。 相关新闻 2018年7月25日至27日,金砖国家***第十次会晤在南非约翰内斯堡举行。



歌手:Junior Murvin


Brooke Hogan - Handcuffed

Oh baby tie me up

cuz Im in love with you


Tie me up

Cuz I'm in love with you

You got me handcuffed

Locked up cardiac arrest baby

Cuz I'm in love with you

You got me handcuffed

Dont stop tie me up right now baby

That's all I wanna do

I've been around just a couple of times

But not enough to know whats really "right"

And I've been hurt just a couple of more

Yes it's happened to me more than twice

So I lost all my hope and I finnaly figured out

Would have to be left on my own

But then you came around and showed me what it's like

To be enforced by love (oh)

You got me handcuffed

Locked up cardiac arrest baby

Cuz I'm in love with you

You got me handcuffed

Dont stop tie me up right now baby

That's all I wanna do

I'm so releived that I'm finnaly caught

Boy your free to "force me" just so you know

Just tie me up and secure the lock

Please don't ever think of letting me go

So just swallow the key

And neverlettin go of me

And I'll never let go of you

I'm your prisner now

So don't ever let me out

And keep an extra eye on me too (ohh)

You got me handcuffed

Locked up cardiac arrest baby

Cuz I'm in love with you

You got me handcuffed

Dont stop tie me up right now baby

That's all I wanna do

Baby got your handcuffs

Go head and tie me up

Get out your handcuffs

Go head and tie me up


You got me handcuffed

Locked up cardiac arrest baby

Cuz I'm in love with you

You got me handcuffed

Dont stop tie me up right now baby

That's all I wanna do

Baby got your handcuffs

Go head and tie me up

Get out your handcuffs

Go head and tie me up (locked up)

You got your handcuffs (I'm in love with you)

Go head and tie me up

Don't stop tie me up right now baby


Get out your handcuffs


1. As the organization that brought down the apartheid regime, the A.N.C. is safely ensconced in power for the foreseeable future.

1. 作为打倒了种族隔离制度的组织,在可预见的未来中,ANC(非洲人国民大会)都会处于掌权的状态。

2. Continental Europeans are addressing this despair in a variety of ways, some of them are not appetizing.

2. 欧洲大陆正在以各种方式表达它们的绝望,其中的一些并不是十分诱人。

3. In exchange, the U.S. would drop efforts to extradite the man. Both sides shook hands on the deal, but Noriega subsequently backed out.

3. 作为交换条件,美国将放弃引渡该人的努力。双方就此协议达成一致,但是诺列加随后退出。

3. The scientist acuquired a camel and started on the first of his many safaries looking for interesting things.

3. 科学家获得了一只骆驼,并开始在它身上寻找感兴趣的东西。

4. It is such decisions that have helped give America's communications industries their commercial vibrancy; and that vibrancy, in turn, which explains the cultural voice - power of the United States.

4. 正式这个决定帮助将商业生机带给了美国的通信产业;而这种生机反过来成为了美国的权利所在,同时也表达了文化的声音。






  1、Disputes can, but dont be stubborn about who wins and who loses

 The differences caused by the different opinions of the couple are normal. However, because the natural environment and life methods of the two people are different, even if they are more similar and their outlook on life is consistent with each other, there will be overall differences in some areas. At the moment, either husband and wife should not try to change the other. There is almost no absolute right or wrong. You dont have to be confined to the win or lose of the quarrel. Home should be a warm area. Learn to seek common ground while reserving differences, not the arena where anyone wants to press down.

  2、Experience is more important than truth

 Its hard to get confused in life. It can be used in married life. Some words will damage the other party when you know it clearly. Even if it is the truth, you dont have to talk about it quickly for a while. There is a certain preservation for each other to consider carefully, so as to really improve the relationship between husband and wife. If some of the same facts are too painful and do not involve standard problems, good lies will be more acceptable than naked objective facts.

  3. Pay attention to touch, not just sex

 Touch includes many, such as clasping fingers, hugging each other and touching the face. This action can maintain the intimacy between couples. Many people feel that there is nothing else between couples except sex. I think the mental process is not so shallow. Sometimes this small touch of the human body is more effective. (emotional questions can be added to the teachers mobile phone / letter:)

  4、Recalling the happiness of the past

 At that time, many people had a good relationship with their partners. As soon as they entered the marriage life, they began to quarrel for no reason. Because the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law was not very good and the core concept of taking care of children was difficult, in other words, all kinds of relationships could lead to disputes. At the moment, I feel that because the couple have been brought into their eyes by some small stones, they have not seen the way to go for a longer time, and have forgotten their previous service commitment and happiness.

 We often say that there must be a big reason for the fight between the bedroom bed and the foot of the bed between husband and wife. Its normal to make small mischief in daily life, but you dont have to hurt your feelings. You should be tolerant and used to each other. Its the key to understand the harmony of husband and wifes feelings and come down again. Thinking about the happy times we had in the past, why we had to have him at that time, what things he had done that moved you, and this kind of memory not only gives you the driving force, but also gives you the reason to tolerate and endure for a while.

  5、Maintain talent

 When you think that marriage is the terminal of each connection, you are really wrong. Marriage is not only not the terminal of association, but also a new starting point for these associations among you, which means that your life path is from yourself to two people, and the problems you encounter are discussed, handled, supported and encouraged each other.

 Sometimes when people see a man, they feel that he is not obedient enough. Many old people around them have to say: they havent got married yet. Just find them a wife and have children.

 I absolutely dont approve of such opinions, and I can even say that I despise them. If he is not mature enough and does not have the burden of being an adult, how can he hope that he can shoulder the obligation of a home and even educate his children to become talents? The greater probability is that the expansion has adverse effects and will hurt the next generation.

 Similarly, you dont have to think that marriage means completion and no need to become a talent. There are many characters to play in ones life. One should be a good child when he is a child. He is an excellent student when he studies. He is a good worker when he signs up for work, a good eldest son of his father, a good husband of his wife when he gets married, and a good father of his eldest son... People must always study and train hard to become talents, so as to ensure that the development trend of physical and mental health and stability can be maintained, Can maintain a happy marriage.

 If you have been too easy to slack off in your marriage and give up yourself, it is usually very easy to lead to misfortune at home. In the matter of talent, there is no way to achieve it overnight, only self-discipline can be arbitrary.


  What are the stages of marriage.

  Phase I: Sweet period

 Just married, they are still in the joy of marriage and maintain the state of love.

 Although there are occasional small quarrels, they are considerate of each other. I will also prepare some small surprises for each other in my daily life. It may seem bad to others, but its beautiful to you.

 The general state of sweetness is that you and I have endless words.

  Stage II: running in period

 After 2-3 years of marriage, after the sweet period, they began to enter the running in period. Some of the problems of both sides will gradually manifest, but they will not be as tolerant as the sweet period. Small things such as misplacing socks and soiling the freshly cleaned floor may become the fuse of their quarrel.

 During this period, both will upgrade and become parents. The arrival of children will upset the balance of the two worlds and be child-centered.

 At this time, the contradiction between the two will gradually increase, and the contradiction between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law will also increase. Helping his wife or his mother is a headache for men.

 The running in period is the longest. Quarrel and contradiction are also the most stage. Both sides will become concerned, concerned, and sometimes bored. Once quarrels and contradictions escalate, it may lead to divorce. After the fresh period of marriage, some people will go out to find new prey. The probability of this third partys involvement is greatly increased and affects their marriage life.

 The running in period will be exhausting, so many couples cant survive this stage. Its a pity.

  The third stage: dull period

 After going through the long stage of running in period, going up the mountain and down the sea of fire, the marriage slowly entered a dull period.

 After the running in period, the edges and corners were flattened. After the "torture" of the running in period, the two peoples mood became flat.

 Two people will feel that the day is a blessing, which is much more open than the running in period.

 When the children work, they have more time to do their own things. The days are as plain as water. Its good to have no waves.

 But some people cant resist this insipid and choose to separate at this stage. Its a pity.

 Phase IV: long term

 After the first three stages, Congratulations, your marriage has entered a long period. Nothing can break up your marriage. We can work together to get married. When they entered the palace of marriage, they both had this original intention. I hope they can work together until they die. But many peoples marriages die in the first two stages.

 No matter what stage you are in now, I hope you can go to the last stage 4 until the end of your life. If you survive the second stage, it will not be far from a long time!


  Three keys to family happiness.

  1、Filial piety

 Filial piety, as a family ethical norm, has the function and role of maintaining family stability. People use filial piety to regulate family relations, make it rooted in the family and popular in the society, and become the moral code and code of conduct that people abide by.

 In ancient times, the Chinese nation had a good atmosphere of respecting the elderly and filial piety. Today, with the development of socialist market economy, it is still of great practical significance to carry forward the filial piety tradition of supporting the elderly and respecting the elderly.

 "Filial piety comes first", "filial piety" is the foundation of life. If a person cant be grateful to his parents, what noble character can you expect him to have?


 Diligence has always been praised by the ancients. Stories such as "Yingxue" and "dangliang stag stocks" have been handed down for thousands of years and are well known. Han Wengongs "burning ointment oil to follow the sundial, and constant Wu to poor years" is more yearned for by scholars. If you dont work hard, no matter how talented you are, its useless.

 Diligence is the first essence of life. People must be diligent if they want to live a down-to-earth, stable and peaceful life. If a person develops the weakness of laziness, more shortcomings and problems will follow.


 Forgiveness is the key to action and freedom. Only when we give forgiveness can we put down the pain of the past and open up new possibilities for beauty.

 South Africa experienced a painful process of forgiveness and reconciliation at the end of apartheid, because they knew that if they continued to sink into the past, they would not have a successful future.


1、含义:vt. 预期;提前使用;抢 ... 前。vi. 预言。


anticipate的基本意思有二。一是“预先处理”,可指在规定的时间或适当的次序之前先行、先付、先用,常含有“不必要地、不适当地”等意味; 也指抢在某计划或某行动执行之前采取措施阻止其实现;还可指如先知者那样先知先行。



We anticipate that we will meet a certain amount of resistance to our plan.


I anticipate reading the book with great interest.



1、含义:adj. 古代的;古老的;过时的。n. 古董;古物。




The antique table went to the lady in the pink hat.


In the museum we saw many antique plates.



1、含义:n. 预期;预料;期待,希望。



Anticipation is a form of tension.


I pulled in to the Towne House Motel with little anticipation.



1、含义:n. 憎恶;反感;不相容。


Honest men have a natural antipathy to politicians.


He showed a strong antipathy to this place.



1、含义:n. 解毒剂;解药;对抗手段。



He took an antidote for the poison.


Do you have any antidote for a snakebite?
